(fetal horses, for example, may gallop in the womb) was an installation exhibited in the spring of 2008, at Gothenburg Art Hall (Göteborgs Konsthall), in the final year show for the Master's program at HFF School of Photography, Gothenburg University.The installation consists of several elements: a large painting (acrylic on canvas, 210 x 350 cm) is mounted directly onto the left wall, and a smaller painting (oil on canvas, 54 x 90 cm) is leaning against the right wall. Both paintings are based on photographs. A number of small temple or grave-like buildings are placed on the floor and on little shelves on the right, blue-painted wall. One shelf is empty. To the left on the floor is a mound of plant soil, with a small lake of black water. Around one side, ten little live cypresses are planted. In the middle of the lake is a large, shining diamond, lit from within, and on the shore stands a tiny horse.